About Us

Corenova Technologies

We believe autonomous systems fundamentally transform how we solve real-world problems.

Our team of industry veterans brings together decades of massively distributed computing and networking expertise to advance disruptive information technologies that promote trust and transparency.

We are a small business with a rich heritage of pioneering technology innovations driven by strategic investments in cutting-edge research and development.

Corenova Technologies is a venture-backed startup founded in 2016 and based in Los Angeles, California.



Attaining remarkable growth was indeed a tremendous achievement for Corenova, thereby, it is a pleasure to honor it by naming it in the list of Top 10 SDN Solution Providers 2016.
— Lena Headey, Managing Editor of Enterprise Networking
As a lead sponsor for OPNFV Project Promise, DOCOMO required future resource reservation capability within OpenStack-based virtualized networking environments. I confirm Corenova provided key integration automation features leading to a successful service integration into the OPNFV platform.
— Kazuaki Obana, Board Member of OPNFV, NTT DOCOMO